Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Today I'm Thankful For My Car

My car is kind of crappy. It's a '99 Red Ford Something or other. It's dirty inside and out. It kind of smells. The back seat is completely filled with junk we had to hurriedly clean out of the trunk of my husbands car before a trip one time. The trunk won't close, so we had to Gorilla Glue it closed. The air conditioning doesn't work.

I am EXTREMELY thankful for this car! It has four wheels and it runs. It gets me to work and home. It gets me to the grocery store to buy food for my family. I didn't have to pay a dime for this car. Out of the goodness of her heart, my sister gave it to me several years ago.

I'm know that when the Texas summertime hits, it will be a bummer to not have air conditioning, but that's fine. There are many people who do not have a car at all. I don't have to ride the bus. I don't have to inconvenience my family by having to all get up extra early so that we can all make it to work on time.

While I'm not thankful for traffic, I'm thankful for the time I have in my car. I drive to work up I35 in the mornings and down 1st street on the way home. I have about 45 minutes each way to be alone with my thoughts, prayers, and silly talk shows.

So thank you, God, that I have a car that meets the needs of my family.